In every community, volunteers, problem-solvers, nonprofits, government and business leaders—and OCF donors—stepped up to address urgent needs and lay the groundwork for long-term recovery and rebuilding.

In 2020, Oregonians came together to respond to multiple crises gripping our state. OCF distributed a record-setting $223 million in charitable giving, recognizing the imperative for ongoing engagement so we can continue to support and advocate for community-led solutions.

The year’s challenges brought into stark relief the importance of relationships, trust, social capital and civic engagement, and the inequities facing Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC), low-income populations and under-resourced rural communities.

As these challenges continue, Oregonians will be here in the months and years to come—strengthening partnerships and trust to get to the complex work of rebuilding homes and schools, providing critical services and ensuring that communities are better prepared for future challenges.