
The Afghan Crisis and Response: What is required to make Oregon a truly welcoming place for refugees?

Join OCF in a panel discussion with Oregon’s refugee resettlement agencies to learn how our state is managing the Afghan Crisis and what it will take for Oregon to become a truly welcoming home to Afghan families.  

Matthew Westerbeck, Catholic Charities of Oregon
Djimet Dogo, The Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization 
Salah Ansary, Lutheran Community Services Northwest 
Caroline van der Harten, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., PST
Register here

Panelists will discuss how Oregon can support Afghan evacuees in the short and long term, the challenges and opportunities of rebuilding the refugee resettlement network after years of divestment, remaining inequities in the wider refugee resettlement response, the crucial role legal representation will play in the lives of Afghan evacuees and how the public and private sectors of Oregon are coming together in innovative ways to help Afghans rebuild after displacement. 

Learn. Since the fall of Kabul, tens of thousands of endangered Afghans were evacuated to American military bases. Oregon has already received 350 individuals as a part of the crisis response, and up to 1200 are expected to arrive.

Connect. Join OCF donors, volunteers, and staff for this shared learning opportunity. 

Elevate. Be empowered to share new knowledge with your networks, friends and family and act to address disparities and support community needs.