
Investment Program

OCF manages funds for the long-term to maximize the impact of your gift. Since 1973, we’ve stewarded charitable funds through a careful and strategic pooled investment program. 

The result for you? High-quality, diversified investment management with reasonable fees and costs.

The result for Oregon communities? More than $2.2 billion in grants and scholarships awarded to thousands of nonprofits and students.

Power of an Endowed Fund

Your fund will continue to grow over time, preserving and enhancing its value for future needs. This chart shows an actual OCF fund that increased in value over 32 years because of OCF’s strong investment program and prudent annual grantmaking. 

Graph showing growth of fund since 1991

Our Main Investment Pool provides a stable resource for Oregon that responds to today’s needs while preserving and enhancing the real value of funds for the future. 

Go to main pool returns

Our Social Impact Pool was established in 1991 as an investment option for donors who request that their funds' assets be invested with social screens applied. Investments in the Social Impact Pool must meet criteria set forth in OCF's Social Impact Pool Policy. 

Go to social pool returns

Other Investments


OCF trusts and annuities are administered through TIAA Kaspick with oversight by OCF. TIAA Kaspick manages one of the largest portfolios of planned gifts in the nation and has a proven track record of excellent trust administration with competitive investment returns. For each trust, Kaspick’s investment team develops a broadly diversified portfolio of assets designed to meet the trust’s specific objectives. For more information, visit kaspick.com.


The basic investment objective of the short-term investment pool is to maximize returns consistent with the safety of principal, liquidity, and cash flow requirements. The goal of this pool is to maintain the corpus of the funds for short-term grantmaking and liquidity needs. Generally, wholly expendable funds and funds with an expected duration of eight years or less are invested in this pool.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does OCF decide how much money is granted annually from a fund?
How are investment managers selected?
How are investment costs allocated?
How are OCF’s investment returns reported?
What choices do donors have in how their fund is invested?
What are marketable alternative assets, and why does OCF invest in them?
What fees does OCF charge?