
Grants Resources & FAQs

Resources for Nonprofit Organizations

OCF Funding Opportunities: Seeking grant funding? Get started by searching funds accepting grant applications. Go to the Grants page

Grants Portal Application Instructions: Get started with the step-by-step guide.

Organization Profile Tool: The bulk of funding from OCF is awarded by donors through Donor Advised Funds. Complete a profile using the Organizational Profile Tool and update it regularly so that OCF can share this information with donors. Enter information about the populations you serve, your projects and funding needs. Get started with the Organizational Profile Tool.

Grantwriting Tips: A solid, strategic plan increases the likelihood of receiving funding. Learn about some practical steps to follow as you design your project. Read our Grantwriting Tips.

Other Nonprofit Resources: A list of helpful outside resources for nonprofit fundraising and management, as well as Oregon nonprofit networks. See the Nonprofit Management and Fundraising Resources.

Resources for OCF Grantee Organizations

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find grants?
Does OCF award grants for operating support?
Does OCF support capital campaigns?
Does OCF support capacity-building projects to improve a nonprofit organization’s fundraising, marketing, training, and so forth?
Our organization is in the process of applying for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, but we have not yet received it. Can we apply for a grant?
Can a state-supported educational institution or a government entity apply for a grant even if it is not a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization?
How often can we apply for a grant?
Can we apply for more than one grant at a time?
Will you review a draft of our proposal and give us suggestions for improvement?
Our organization received an unsolicited grant from an OCF advised fund. Can we apply directly to that fund for another grant?
Our program is part of a much larger parent organization, such as a university or county government. Should we send OCF its full financial report and budget?
Our organization received a Community Grant last year, but our project still needs support. Can we apply for another Community Grant for the same project?
If a proposal for a grant is declined, can we resubmit the same project later?