More than 2,000 donors connect through a powerful network of generous Oregonians who share their time, talent and treasure. Donated dollars are invested in communities where needs are greatest, creating larger impact. Find out how you can make an impact through giving.
Learn Ways to Give

Working in partnership, OCF and nonprofit organizations connect communities with tools, resources and influence they need to design their own solutions. Together, we're building a vibrant, thriving Oregon. Get inspired by stories from Oregon nonprofits at work in communities.
See Our Stories

Change begins locally, and community-driven efforts reveal powerful potential for positive change. Communities illuminate the greatest opportunities for impact, and bring engaged leaders and residents together to help create and direct solutions. Learn about OCF's community impact.
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Oregon Community Foundation puts donated dollars to work in Oregon, awarding more that $100 million in grants and scholarships each year from an endowment of more than $3 billion in assets under management.
We believe in advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in our work to fulfill our mission and achieve our vision.
Together with our donors, partners, expert staff and thousands of volunteers, we've helped improve the lives of Oregonians since 1973.