Project Turnkey

Homelessness and housing insecurity are often described as intractable problems, so entrenched and complex that they seem nearly impossible to solve. Project Turnkey is the story of what Oregon can accomplish when communities, business, government and philanthropy join forces to take bold action.

What did Project Turnkey Accomplish?

Project Turnkey (1.0 and 2.0) successfully concluded with 32 total shelter properties in 27 cities throughout 18 Oregon counties, adding 1382 beds/units of emergency housing. Project Turnkey represents a 30 percent total increase in the state's supply of emergency year-round shelter beds for people experiencing homelessness.

Who are the people?

Each Project Turnkey operation is locally created, owned and operated by local government entities, nonprofit community partners or Tribes. Each Project Turnkey operation is designed to meet the needs of its community’s priority populations, ranging from college students, domestic violence survivors, fire survivors, Tribal community members and Veterans to people experiencing chronic homelessness, including people who are medically fragile.

Project Turnkey final mapProject Turnkey by the Numbers

Project Turnkey 2.0 (2022-2023)
$50 Million Investment
517 Units to shelter unhoused community members
13 Project Turnkey 2.0 sites
11 Oregon Counties

Project Turnkey 1.0 (2020-2021)
$74.7 Million Investment
865 Units to shelter unhoused community members
19 Project Turnkey 1.0 sites
13 Oregon Counties

Oregon Community Foundation and Oregon Housing and Community Services Roles

Oregon Community Foundation served as the grantor and fiduciary, administering state-funded Project Turnkey grants with guidance from a diverse statewide Advisory Committee

Oregon Housing and Community Services provided advice and support for OCF as the State’s Housing Finance Agency. Additionally, OHCS has received resources to administer funds to the recipients of Project Turnkey 2.0 grants. This includes ongoing monitoring and oversight of these funds and the projects they support. 

Read more: 

Project Turnkey 1.0 site locations 



Questions can be directed to Megan Loeb, Program Officer, at