Project Turnkey 2.0
Thank you for your interest in Project Turnkey 2.0. The application window is now closed.
In the face of Oregon’s ongoing housing crisis, the Oregon Legislature allocated $50 million for a second round of Project Turnkey in 2022. The funds are being administered by Oregon Community Foundation through a competitive grant application, with the goal of providing award funds as a strategic investment to support communities with short-term emergency shelter that can be converted to permanent housing in the long term.
Eligible applicants include local entities (cities, counties, housing authorities) and nonprofit organizations. Grantees are selected through an application and due diligence process, with guidance from a diverse advisory committee of state, local, and community stakeholders. Projects selected for grants are community centered and equity focused and support the most vulnerable of unhoused community members.
OCF has worked closely with Oregon Housing and Community Services to ensure that the selection process aligns with the state’s strategic housing plan. Of the 32 applications received from entities across the state, 12 have been advanced to Phase 2 and OCF is working with the applicants to identify appropriate properties and complete due diligence. In alignment with legislation, all acquisitions will be completed by June 30, 2023.
Eligible property types include hotels, motels, and other vacant properties that can readily and affordably be converted to non-congregate shelter such as duplexes, apartment complexes, care facilities, or dormitories.
Eligible Regions
This application was open statewide to all 36 Oregon counties.
Eligible Entities
Eligible applicants include local government entities such as cities, counties, housing authorities, or 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Co-applicants comprise of two entities are allowed. In cases of co-applicants (one as owner/one as operator), the intended owner of the proposed property serves as the primary applicant on the RFA.
In order to qualify for a grant an organization must:
- Be physically located in and serve populations in Oregon;
- Intend to acquire a property located in the Eligible Regions defined above;
- Have been in operation since at least October of 2020;
- Have registered government or not-for-profit status (501c3);
- Demonstrate ability and experience in working and providing housing related services to underserved populations including people from communities of color;
- Agree to utilize the State’s funding for non-congregate shelter; and
- Complete the Application.
Priority Populations
Mirroring the Statewide Housing Plan strategies and responding to the urgency of the multiple crises our state is facing, the following are priority populations for this project: unsheltered and high-needs populations, including veterans, people with disabilities, families, communities of color, people with serious mental illness, people experiencing chronic homelessness, people vulnerable to COVID or diagnosed with COVID who need to quarantine or isolate.
Eligible Properties
Applicants do not need to have a property identified in order to apply. Eligible property types include hotels, motels, and other vacant properties that can readily and affordably be converted to non-congregate shelter such as duplexes, apartment complexes, care facilities, or dormitories.
Fund Amount
A total of $50 million has been allocated for this Fund.
Eligible Uses of Grant Funds
- With pre-approval by OCF on a transaction-by-transaction basis: pre-acquisition costs related to the due diligence of properties and real-estate related transactions.
- Acquisition costs and/or funds for minor retrofitting, rehab, or renovation of properties to make property operational as non-congregate shelter. Funds for retrofitting, rehab, or renovation will be primarily for safety and accessibility purposes. (Note: If a non-congregate property is already owned by an eligible entity, funds could support the renovation or retrofitting of the property.)
Application Process
Thank you for your interest in Project Turnkey 2.0. The application window is now closed.
Selection Process
An Advisory Committee, comprised of state, local, and community stakeholders, participates in the review and recommendation process for grants. All grant recommendation are brought to the OCF Board for final approval.
See the Framework for Evaluation for additional details about the selection process, evaluation of applicants, and reporting details.
Questions about eligibility or qualification for this grant program can be directed to Megan Loeb, Program Officer at mloeb@oregoncf.org
Questions from the media can be directed to Maureen Kenney, Public Relations Manager at mkenney@oregoncf.org
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