
See and Act on COVID Nonprofit Funding Requests

As of Friday, April 3, OCF has received more than 600 requests for more than $50M in aid from Oregon nonprofits. Our response includes making grants from our pooled funds contributed to by individuals, businesses and private foundations around the state.

We are sharing the funding requests we received with private foundations and OCF’s generous donors, including those who have donor advised funds (DAFs), scholarship funds or have named OCF in their estate plans. Contributors to OCF’s Leadership Fund and any of our COVID-19 pooled funds are also receiving this information

It is All Hands on Deck Time. We Are All in This Together.

Donor advised fund donors can access these grants via the online portal, MyOCF. They may also be accessed online at the link below, so you can respond individually, or with the assistance of OCF staff. Both locations will be updated every morning as new requests come in.

Please note: To share community needs as widely as possible, the requests can be viewed by anyone who has the link. Help us protect these organizations and the people they serve by using discretion when sharing the link with others. 

Accessing COVID Requests from Nonprofits

Use MyOCF:

  • Log into MyOCF.
  • Select “Access your Advised Fund”
  • Navigate to the Search Applications Tab. Search by key words or geography. Due to the volume and urgency of need, COVID-related grant applications have not been vetted as thoroughly you may be accustomed to and may contain less information than you are used to seeing.
  • Please contact your Donor Relations Officer if you have questions or need assistance.

For all others, you may access COVID applications by clicking here. 

OCF staff are available to answer questions and help facilitate your giving to these organizations – whether through a DAF or by direct support.  Please reach out to a member of the Philanthropic Services team for assistance.  You can find a list of our staff here.

Also keep in mind that events are moving quickly, and nonprofits may be updating their websites with late-breaking developments which have occurred since they applied to OCF.