Color Palette



Heading 1

PoynterOldstyleText-Roman, Regular, 30px

Line height: 40px

Heading 2

PoynterOldstyleText-Roman, Regular, 26px

Line height: 34px

Heading 3

PoynterOldstyleText-Roman, Regular, 22px

Line height: 30px

Heading 4

BrandonGrotesque, Bold, 16px

Line height: 18px, Line spacing: 1px

Heading 5
BrandonGrotesque, Bold, 14px

Line height: 20px, Line spacing: 1px

Heading 6
Heading 6
Heading 6
BrandonGrotesque, Bold, 12px

Line spacing: 0.9px

Paragraph, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Urna euismod, at semper odio facilisis. Proin risus enim, fringilla eget bibendum eu, vehicula non tellus.

PoynterOldstyleText-Roman, Regular, 18px

Line height: 32px

HTML Elements

Bold / Strong

PoynterOldstyleText-Roman, Bold, 18px

Line height: 32px


PoynterOldstyleText-Roman, Italic, 18px

Line height: 32px


PoynterOldstyleText-Roman, Regular, 18px

Line height: 32px

PoynterOldstyleText-Roman, Regular, 18px

Line height: 32px

  • Unordered List: Item 1
  • Unordered List: Item 2
  • Unordered List: Item 3. Sed fringilla lobortis sapien id interdum link. Donec Volutpat lacus eget ligula sagittis condentu.
    • Ordered List: Sub-item 1
    • Ordered List: Sub-item 2
    • Ordered List: Sub-item 3. Sed fringilla lobortis sapien id interdum link. Donec Vulutpat lacus eget ligula sagittis condentu.
  1. Ordered List: Item 1
  2. Ordered List: Item 2
  3. Ordered List: Item 3. Sed fringilla lobortis sapien id interdum link. Donec Volutpat lacus eget ligula sagittis condentu.
    1. Ordered List: Sub-item 1
    2. Ordered List: Sub-item 2
    3. Ordered List: Sub-item 3. Sed fringilla lobortis sapien id interdum link. Donec Volutpat lacus eget ligula sagittis condentu.
PoynterOldstyleText-Roman, Regular, 18px

Line height: 32px

Bullet/Number: ocf-red

“Blockquote vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque ultricies libero nunc.”
PoynterOldstyleText-Roman, Regular, 20px

Line height: 32px

Header Header Header
Cell Text Cell Text Cell Text
Cell Text Cell Text Cell Text
Cell Text Cell Text Cell Text
Cell Text Cell Text Cell Text
Cell Text Cell Text Cell Text
Cell Text Cell Text Cell Text
BrandonGrotesque, Bold, 16px

Content Blocks

Shortcodes and Footnotes

Praesent pretium vehicula nisl eu sodales[1]. Proin egestas metus et lectus interdum, ut finibus metus lobortis. Suspendisse a orci lobortis, cursus odio non, ultricies mauris.

Large Blue CTA

Vivamus feugiat diam leo, et condimentum lacus ultrices vel. Proin mauris libero, hendrerit non iaculis viverra, euismod non elit.[2]

Large Red CTA

Curabitur pharetra sit amet erat non consectetur. Duis elementum tortor id neque congue congue eget id nisi. Vivamus malesuada fermentum ornare.

Small Blue CTA

Aenean pulvinar ante libero, in finibus lacus tempor eget. In dolor libero, aliquet et condimentum id, faucibus eget nunc. Curabitur ullamcorper convallis eros.

Small Red CTA

Suspendisse massa sem, sodales nec mi nec, congue malesuada libero. Maecenas consequat, purus eu maximus gravida, diam ipsum blandit ex, sed cursus justo tortor sed ex. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis at malesuada felis. Mauris fringilla dui leo, vitae aliquam elit commodo quis.

Default CTA (no size, no color)

Images Information

Image dimensions and notes are described on the Images Information page.

Campaign Monitor Block - White

Get the latest from Oregon Community Foundation

Campaign Monitor Block - Blue

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2-Column Statement Block

In Oregon, we know well that the heroes of our communities reside within them.

We believe that fully engaged citizens are a building block for healthy communities and a healthy democracy.

What is your community?
How do you want to engage?

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Accordion Block

List of Things

Paragraph Example
List Example

FAQ Block

Frequently Asked Questions

Does OCF award grants for operating support?
Our organization is in the process of applying for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, but we have not yet received it. Can we apply for a grant?
Can a state-supported educational institution or a government entity apply for a grant even if it is not a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization?
Will you review a draft of our proposal and give us suggestions for improvement?

Featured Story Block – Full-width blue background

Meet the Olsrud Family

This is a story about multigenerational generosity. Charitable giving is a legacy Sherm and Wanda Olsrud are passing on.

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Southern Oregon

Featured Story Block – Offset blue image framing

Meet the Olsrud Family

This is a story about multigenerational generosity. Charitable giving is a legacy Sherm and Wanda Olsrud are passing on.

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Southern Oregon

Image Block

julius jansson 1276382 unsplash
Veggies es bonus vobis, proinde vos postulo essum magis kohlrabi welsh onion daikon amaranth tatsoi tomatillo melon azuki bean garlic.

Image and Text Block

Trust Based Philanthropy with Janell Johnson 

Thursday, March 2, 2023 12:00 PM-1:30 p.m. 

Janell Johnson is a Certified Specialist in Planned Giving (CSPG), a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP®), and Certified 21/64 Advisor in multi-generational family philanthropy. As an advisor with Phīla Engaged Giving, she stewards this knowledge to help donors define their philanthropic values, set clear intentions for engaging with loved ones and beneficiaries, and design legacy plans that align with their broader philanthropic goals.

Register for Trust Based Philanthropy

Offset CTA Block

Did I mention we have comfy chairs? I'm the Doctor, I'm worse than everyone's aunt. *catches himself* And that is not how I'm introducing myself. I'm nobody's taxi service; I'm not gonna be there to catch you every time you feel like jumping out of a spaceship.

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Annihilate? No. No violence. I won't stand for it. Not now, not ever, do you understand me?! I'm the Doctor, the Oncoming Storm - and you basically meant beat them in a football match, didn't you? You hate me; you want to kill me! Well, go on! Kill me! KILL ME!

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Pull Quote Block

“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.”

Oscar Wilde
Poet and Playwright

Regional Stories Block

Research Block (Graph)

Main Header for Research Goes Here

Donec nec varius lectus, non placerat lacus. Nam odio tellus, sodales iaculis mi sit amet, ultricies fringilla justo. Vestibulum et justo non tellus pharetra venenatis a in turpis. Nullam porta nisi eu ipsum vulputate interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas semper bibendum eros. Mauris fringilla congue lectus, eget dapibus orci sodales at. Fusce rutrum non velit sed consequat. Nullam lacinia eros ut ante lobortis.


Research Block (Photo)

Main Header for Research Goes Here

Donec nec varius lectus, non placerat lacus. Nam odio tellus, sodales iaculis mi sit amet, ultricies fringilla justo. Vestibulum et justo non tellus pharetra venenatis a in turpis. Nullam porta nisi eu ipsum vulputate interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas semper bibendum eros. Mauris fringilla congue lectus, eget dapibus orci sodales at. Fusce rutrum non velit sed consequat. Nullam lacinia eros ut ante lobortis.


Video Grid Block



This is a sample video


This is a longer title on a sample video


Short title


This is an OCF sample video

Staff Profile Block

Kirsten Kilchenstein

Chief Philanthropy Officer

(503) 227-6846

Metro Portland
Executive Team, Philanthropic Services

Statistics Block

What is Your Impact?

In 2017, Oregon Community Foundation awarded:


Grants and Scholarships


Nonprofits and Grantees



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Styled CTA Block

Pay Attention

People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for.

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Styled CTA Block – no button

This is more of a callout

Get Started: Contact OCF at, call (503) 227–6846 or contact your local office.

Tableau Block

Video Block

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.

Zip Code CTA Block

Connect with an OCF philanthropic advisor in your region

Content Block

"To Kill a Mockingbird"

By Nelle Harper Lee

Part One // Chapter 1

When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow. When it healed, and Jem’s fears of never being able to play football were assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about his injury. His left arm was somewhat shorter than his right; when he stood or walked, the back of his hand was at right angles to his body, his thumb parallel to his thigh. He couldn’t have cared less, so long as he could pass and punt.

When enough years had gone by to enable us to look back on them, we sometimes discussed the events leading to his accident. I maintain that the Ewells started it all, but Jem, who was four years my senior, said it started long before that. He said it began the summer Dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea of making Boo Radley come out.

I said if he wanted to take a broad view of the thing, it really began with Andrew Jackson. If General Jackson hadn’t run the Creeks up the creek, Simon Finch would never have paddled up the Alabama, and where would we be if he hadn’t? We were far too old to settle an argument with a fist-fight, so we consulted Atticus. Our father said we were both right.

This is a caption. This is a caption. This is a caption. This is a caption. This is a caption. This is a caption. This is a caption.

Being Southerners, it was a source of shame to some members of the family that we had no recorded ancestors on either side of the Battle of Hastings. All we had was Simon Finch, a fur-trapping apothecary from Cornwall whose piety was exceeded only by his stinginess. In England, Simon was irritated by the persecution of those who called themselves Methodists at the hands of their more liberal brethren, and as Simon called himself a Methodist, he worked his way

  • across the Atlantic to Philadelphia,
  • thence to Jamaica,
  • thence to Mobile,
  • and up the Saint Stephens.

This is a caption. This is a caption. This is a caption. This is a caption. This is a caption. This is a caption. This is a caption.

Mindful of John Wesley’s strictures on the use of many words in buying and selling, Simon made a pile practicing medicine, but in this pursuit he was unhappy lest he be tempted into doing what he knew was not for the glory of God, as the putting on of gold and costly apparel. So Simon, having forgotten his teacher’s dictum on the possession of human chattels, bought three slaves and with their aid established a homestead on the banks of the Alabama River some forty miles above Saint Stephens. He returned to Saint Stephens only once, to find a wife, and with her established a line that ran high to daughters. Simon lived to an impressive age and died rich. 

Book Title No. Pages No. Chapters Rating
To Kill a Mockingbird 336 31 *****
Wuthering Heights 400 34 ****


It was customary for the men in the family to remain on Simon’s homestead, Finch’s Landing, and make their living from cotton. The place was self-sufficient:

  1. modest in comparison with the empires around it,
  2. the Landing nevertheless produced everything required to sustain life except
    1. ice,
    2. wheat flour,
    3. and articles of clothing, supplied by river-boats from Mobile.


Simon would have regarded with impotent fury the disturbance between the North and the South, as it left his descendants stripped of everything but their land, yet the tradition of living on the land remained unbroken until well into the twentieth century, when my father, Atticus Finch, went to Montgomery to read law, and his younger brother went to Boston to study medicine. Their sister Alexandra was the Finch who remained at the Landing:

she married a taciturn man who spent most of his time lying in a hammock by the river wondering if his trot-lines were full.


Curly or Not Curly?

Some editors will automatically convert successive double and single quotation marks into their equivalent HTML character codes. You can copy the characters and paste them into editors that don't do this automatically for you.

  • “Curly double quotation marks” (“”) make use of the following HTML character codes:
    • “ stands for "left double quotation marks"
    • ” stands for "right double quotation marks"
  • ‘Curly single quotation marks’ (‘’) make use of the following HTML character codes:
    • ‘ stands for "left single quotation marks"
    • ’ stands for "right single quotation marks"