KOBI Spirit of Community Moment: Women in Philanthropy
This year OCF is celebrating its 50th anniversary by sharing stories about the spirit of generosity in Oregon. This is Part VI from KOBI TV's "Oregon Community Foundation: Spirit of Community" series. View the series.
And from the beginning, women have been essential to the 50 year success of Oregon Community Foundation. Their philanthropic efforts have made a dramatic impact on the well-being of all Oregonians. You’re about to meet one those remarkable women who recognized the needs of many rural communities in Oregon. Here’s another Spirit of Community Moment.
KOBI: Oregon Community Foundation has a long history of women philanthropists including Oregon Community Foundation President and CEO Lisa Mensah, Oregon State Representative Pam Marsh, Brenda Johnson, CEO of La Clinica and many more. Paving the way for so many women was Donna Woolley. During her tenure on Oregon Community Foundation’s board, the foundation increased its assets from $79 million dollars to $302 million. Donna’s son, Don knows why. It was her loving tenacity.
Don Woolley: She was both very strict, and very caring and loving.
KOBI: Donna was instrumental in funding the Wildlife Safari, Square One Village and Eugene’s Civic Stadium. She even helped secure financing for a new fire truck for the Elkton Rural Fire Department. Her daughter-in-law, Dolly Woolley, admired her extraordinary leadership skills.
Dolly Woolley: She was a great role model for many young women.
KOBI: Donna Woolley founded the Donna J. Woolley Advised Fund. And recruited dozens of other women to help her manage it.
Dolly: Wow, what a difference it can make when you get a bunch of strong women together.
KOBI: Donna and her philanthropic colleagues will be forever recognized as the gamechangers who improved the lives of thousands in rural Oregon.
If you’d like to help make Southern Oregon a better place to live, visit Oregon Community Foundation at oregoncf.org/50.