Oregon Community Foundation Deploys $70,000 to LGBTQ+ Organizations
OCF Community Grants will Boost Capacity to Serve LGBTQ+ Oregonians
Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) announced today that three community-based organizations specifically serving LGBTQ+ Oregonians will receive Community Grants totaling $70,000 to advance their work in the state.
“As we enter the first week of Pride Month, we consider the unique challenges for LGBTQ+ communities from ongoing discrimination and violence, compounded by economic and health impacts from the pandemic,” says Niyati Desai, OCF Director of Community Engagement. “These community grants prioritize funding for organizations seeking to expand services during a very challenging time.”
Beyond These Walls
$20,000 OCF Community Grant
Beyond These Walls will build capacity to support LGBTQ+ persons in prison or working toward reentry by hiring the organization’s first executive director.
“We are thrilled to have OCF as a partner,” said Biff Chaplow, Executive Director, Beyond These Walls. “This OCF Community Grant will support all of the work we planned this year. Our advisory committee, an 8-member team of LGBTQ+ people currently in prison, offers their sincere thanks for all of the LGBTQ+ work that OCF supports.”
$30,000 OCF Community Grant
TransPonder will increase organization capacity, develop new community partnerships and continue to provide targeted opportunities for the trans/gender diverse community by hiring additional staff.
“May our work honor and bring pride to those who have come before us,” said Oblio Stroyman, MEd–Director of Transgender Education and Awareness Services and Grant Director. “May our work uplift and create safer spaces for those who are here now. This is what Pride is all about.”
Q Center
$20,000 OCF Community Grant
Q Center will boost support statewide for LGBTQ+ individuals to access services, resources and referrals to other LGBTQ+ providers by piloting a virtual and physical resource hub and by hiring a community administrator.
“All of us at Q Center are so appreciative of the OCF funding,” said Ian Morton, Executive Director, PDX Q Center. “The 2021 OCF Community Grant will fund the expansion of the Hand Up pantry as well as a community administrator position. We can't wait to celebrate on our Pride float, so look for us in the June 20 virtual Pride Parade!”
OCF’s Fall 2021 Community Grants Cycle Opened This Week
While a broad range of nonprofits can apply for Community Grants, OCF is prioritizing requests that focus on populations who have been disproportionately impacted by inequities further compounded by racial and social injustice, the pandemic, and/or wildfires.
Applications to OCF’s Fall 2021 Community Grants cycle opened June 1, 2021. Applications are due July 15, 2021, by 5 p.m., with decisions made by early November 2021. Learn more.
About Beyond These Walls
Beyond These Walls supports LGBTQ+ people incarcerated in Oregon and Washington through organizing, direct service and advocacy. To learn more, please visit: BeyondTheseWallsLGBT.org
About Transponder
TransPonder is a grassroots, completely transgender founded and led nonprofit based in Eugene, Oregon that provides support, resources, and education for the trans/gender diverse community and its allies. To learn more, please visit: transponder.community.
About Q Center
Q Center works for a better world by providing safe and affirming spaces of support, celebration, and opportunity for LGBTQIA+ people of all ages, races, genders and abilities. To learn more, please visit: pdxqcenter.org.