Eastern Oregon
Tamástslikt Cultural Institute shares tribes’ rich history
Antone Minthorn recalled the day, 30 years ago, when he met the wagon train at the east boundary of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. It was Aug. 12, 1993, and the Oregon Trail Sesquicentennial Wagon Train was on its way to Oregon City, its final destination after a 2,000-mile trek from Independence, Missouri. The event marked 150 years since the trail opened in 1843, sparking a massive westward migration that changed the course of American history. The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) had hoped to use the sesquicentennial to draw attention to the need for an interpretive center that told the story of the Oregon Trail through a Native American lens. Despite years of lobbying, however, federal funds were still scarce. So, Minthorn and several other tribe members decided to take bolder action. Read the full East Oregonian article here.