Early Childhood Workforce Training
The earliest teachers set a foundation for learning skills.
OCF believes every young child should have access to high-quality child care and early learning programs provided by a well-trained, valued workforce. Since 2003, with the launch of two scholarship programs named after Betty Gray, professional development for the early care and learning workforce has been one of our Early Childhood Program's main priorities.
From 2003 to 2018, OCF awarded more than 10,000 scholarships to 4,400 child care workers to help with the costs of community-based education and training. During the same period, 1,225 students received scholarships for coursework toward degrees or certificates in early childhood education at nearly every community college in our state.
With philanthropic partners in Oregon's Early Childhood Funders Learning Circle, OCF is also supporting a pilot effort to diversify the training workforce for child care providers. The aims of the pilot are to increase availability of and access to professional development opportunities that reflect the cultures, languages and needs of underrepresented child care professionals, and tap into community wisdom, strengths and expertise.