Southern Willamette Valley
Spotlight: Kirk Strohman Helps Clients Meet Their Charitable Goals
As a young estate planning attorney in 2011, Eugene-based Kirk Strohman joined the board of the Boys & Girls Club of Emerald Valley. But the club faced a crisis.
“We didn’t have enough money to make payroll,” Kirk recalls. “So here was an organization with hundreds of kids who needed a place to go after school that had to close its doors.” Kirk stepped into the interim executive director role with a goal of restoring solvency and connected with OCF.
“They found donors willing to help. OCF was instrumental in getting the Boys & Girls Club back open. That was a special experience.”
Kirk enjoys educating clients to help them meet their goals. When conversations turn to charitable giving, Kirk often refers OCF.
“Our clients tend to freeze up at the thought of committing to a single charitable institution because things change in nonprofits,” Kirk says. With OCF, “they don’t have to call me back and amend their trust. And they can leverage OCF expertise.”
“We can be so much more deliberate with charitable giving, and that’s where OCF has become such a partner for me.”
For clients considering setting up their own foundations, which can be administratively burdensome, he introduces the option to create an OCF fund instead.
“I get an opportunity to explain that there are alternatives to a lump-sum bequest,” he concludes. “There are opportunities to create gifts that will establish a legacy and lasting impact. With OCF, my clients get to be strategic in ways that they really didn’t know were possible.”