Oregon Immigrant and Refugee Funders Collaborative

A coordinated and collaborative funding approach to address immigration and refugee issues in Oregon.

Accepting applications year-round

OCF has joined with The Collins Foundation and Meyer Memorial Trust to form the Oregon Immigrant and Refugee Funders Collaborative. The purpose is to create a coordinated, collaborative framework to address issues of immigration and refugees in our state, and to support local organizations responding to these issues. 

Funding Structure and Process

The Collaborative uses various methods to consider application requests: a pooled fund, a combination of pooled and aligned funds, or aligned funds only. These methods are always in general alignment with eligible areas of support described in this collaborative framework.

“No Wrong Door”

Nonprofit and community groups may reach out to any representative of any participating funder by email or telephone. These representatives will make any information and documents available to the rest of the representatives. Funders will also coordinate their efforts when communicating or requesting information from community groups to lessen the burden of answering to different people on similar issues.

Shared Application and Reporting

The Collaborative shares a common Grant Application Form. A submitted application does not guarantee a grant award. Someone from the Collaborative may contact the applicant for additional questions as needed. At the end of the grant period, grantee submits one report in a format supplied by the Collaborative.

Funding Process, Application Review & Reporting

The Collaborative does not have established funding cycles or a formal RFP (Request for Proposals) process. The intent is to offer a nimble and responsive way that reduces the wait time for grantees. The collaborative member who receives the application makes it available to other members for joint review and discussion. If additional clarifying questions arise, a member of the collaborative contacts the applicant to secure the answers. The members may choose to fund an application using various methods: a pooled fund, a combination of pooled and aligned funds, or aligned funds only. An applicant may receive one grant check if funding is provided through a pooled fund, or separate checks and letters of award if multiple funders are supporting the project. If a project is supported by multiple funders applicant may submit only one report as directed by the collaborative.

Funding Criteria

The collaborative funders will consider applications from eligible 501 (c) (3) organizations or have a qualified fiscal sponsor. The Collaborative will consider and give priority to proposals for projects and programs that directly address the impact of policies and actions implemented after November 2016. For other projects serving immigrants and refugees, applicants are encouraged to contact each of the funders separately. Funding will cover proposed activities for a 12-month period. An organization may submit only one application within a 12-month period. A proposal of $50,000 or more to this Collaborative is considered a large request. Any collaborative member may choose to fund an application outside the parameters of the eligibility requirements set forth in this document. Individual members of this collaborative may also choose to fund the applicant organization for a different project within the same time period.

Funding Eligibility & Areas of Interest

Collectively the funders collaborative will consider requests for projects that provide:

  • Legal information/advice, services and representation for immigrants and refugees
  • Outreach and education about policies, programs, services and preparedness (especially for those seeking permanent residency status)
  • Information gathering, research and analysis on immigration and refugee issues
  • Community organizing, civic engagement and advocacy

Ongoing basic needs support (housing, language services, food, shelter), while important, are generally not competitive for this fund. If you are seeking funding for these services, please contact an OIRFC representative prior to applying or consider reviewing other funding opportunities from the member funders. Additionally organizations seeking funding to educate the general public about immigrant and refugee issues and arts and performance requests are not considered.

COVID-19 Response

The Funders Collaborative remains committed to its original priority of directly addressing the impact of policies and actions implemented immediately after November 2016. However, it also recognizes that immigrants, refugees, and the organizations that serve them are being disproportionately impacted by the current situation; that the pandemic has given rise to yet another wave of racism and discrimination against API and other communities; and that access to safety-net mechanisms may be unavailable to some immigrant, asylee, and refugee communities.

The Funders Collaborative will consider applications from organizations working at the intersection of responding to federal policy changes and COVID-19. Applications for COVID-19 response will be considered from organizations whose work would otherwise be eligible.

Participating Funders

Funding & Supporting Partners