Eastern Oregon
A Driving Force for Good
Tim Mabry, Donor
Along with Eastern Oregon’s natural beauty, Tim Mabry appreciates those who live here. “They’re real people and are nice to each other. This is a welcoming place, offering a good, simple, forthright life,” says the longtime Hermiston resident, donor and former eight year OCF board member. Tim served as board chair from 2015-2017.
Tim, a commercial real estate agent and collection-agency owner, first volunteered for OCF in 2008. While he was on the board of the Pendleton RoundUp, the Foundation asked him to join the committee for the then-newly established Regional Action Initiative.
“The strength of the OCF team impressed me from the start,” says Tim.“It’s a very hands-on organization; they don’t just write checks and move on. They’re excellent stewards for donors.”
Tim Mabry
Tim also values the board’s diverse committee priorities — from strategic opportunities and investments to community engagement and education. “Besides members’ commitment, what really makes the board successful is the OCF staff,” he says. “That’s the grease that turns the wheels.”
Tim and his wife, Nancy, help drive OCF with their donor-advised Mabry Family Fund. “My work with OCF has introduced me to the human services part of our society, which I hadn’t had a lot of exposure to before,” he says. “There are many people in somewhat dire straits and lots of great organizations striving to support them in a variety of ways.”
In 2017 Tim also helped establish a community advised fund at OCF called the Children's Mental Health Fund of Eastern Oregon.
Whether helping people in Hermiston or hundreds of miles away, Tim and Nancy’s generosity continues to make Oregon a great place to live.