Empower Your Legacy with Planned Giving

How would you like to be remembered? One way you can leave a lasting impact is through planned giving, also called testamentary giving. By including charitable gifts in your will or through a life income gift, you create a legacy that continues to help others. It can also bring potential tax benefits.  

One of the key benefits of choosing OCF as a legacy partner is the flexibility and ease we can offer. You have the freedom to support Oregon’s greatest needs through unrestricted gifts, or direct resources to a wide range of causes, aligning your legacy with your values and priorities, all of which is detailed in a simple agreement. And many donors enjoy knowing that as their interests evolve they can modify their giving plan by simply amending their fund agreement — there’s no need to change their will or work through an attorney. 

Planned giving options 

Simple bequests: You can leave a bequest of cash, securities, or other assets through your will or living trust which could qualify as a charitable deduction for the estate. You can decide to leave a specific amount, or you can choose to give whatever's left of your estate after everything else is taken care of. 

Charitable remainder trusts: You may transfer assets to a charitable remainder trust that distributes a certain amount of money each year to you or someone else for their whole life, or for a set number of years. Whatever's left in the trust after that goes to a fund that supports a cause you care about. 

Charitable lead trusts: A charitable lead makes distributions to your OCF fund for a certain time — either for your whole life or for a set number of years. After that, whatever's left in the trust goes to you or someone else you choose. 

Charitable gift annuities: In return for a donation of cash or other assets OCF pays you and/or someone designated by you a fixed payment every year for life. Whatever is left after you pass away creates or adds to your OCF fund.  

Life insurance/IRA beneficiaries: In larger estates, giving retirement fund assets to family might face two taxes: estate tax and income tax owed by your beneficiaries. But if you name OCF or your OCF fund as the beneficiary for your IRA, it passes tax-free. You can also donate your life insurance policy to OCF. You might qualify for an income tax deduction for the policy’s cost or cash value, and future premium payments might be tax deductible too. 

Why donors make testamentary gifts with OCF 

Stories from OCF donors exemplify the profound impact testamentary giving can have on both donors and the community at large. 

Chris Carpenter of Ashland on flexible giving 

With no family members to inherit her estate, a decade ago Chris started planning for her legacy giving with help from her attorney and OCF. “I just called OCF up and we met for coffee — it wasn’t a big thing; it was just really nice. I could pick what I wanted to do,” Chris recalls. “It wasn’t any work on my part. All I had to do was sign my name. I like that.” Chris values the flexibility OCF allows with her estate gift. She can change the organizations her plan supports  during her lifetime, as her interests and awareness of community needs evolve. 

Mary Blake of Seaside on ensuring everyone has the opportunity to play 

Mary established a permanently endowed testamentary fund that will support parks and recreation programming for young women and girls, and food and health programs along the North Coast, for decades to come. And her legacy gift with OCF will support programs she believes in beyond her lifetime. “It just takes your breath away when you know that you can support the things you believe in.” 

Jimmy and Deborah Greear of Ashland on unrestricted giving from their life income gift 

When Jimmy and Deborah started a charitable remainder trust more than 25 years ago. The remainder will provide unrestricted funding to OCF, allowing the Foundation to choose where to best direct the resources. “We decided to go ahead and let OCF choose where the funds go after we die,” Deborah says. “We think that you do a really good job with distributing the money and you know better than we do where the money is most needed and by whom.” 

How testamentary giving works 

It’s a simple process. Working with an OCF philanthropic advisor, create an OCF fund that specifies gifts for the greatest good (unrestricted gifts) or designates which charities or areas of interest you wish to support. You specify one-time or ongoing endowed gifts, your attorney names the fund as a beneficiary of your estate, and OCF will do the rest. And OCF philanthropic advisors are always available to work with you and your advisor as you navigate the options.  

Getting started 

By incorporating charitable bequests into your estate plans, you can leave a legacy that transcends generations, enriching lives and strengthening communities for years to come. To learn more about how you can work with OCF to shape a brighter future for Oregon and beyond, connect with a philanthropic advisor in your region. 
