Family Shares a Teachable Moment in Giving
We work with multiple generations of families in all stages of giving, each experiencing unique situations and life milestones.
A young couple had invested in a tech startup and at the IPO they set up a donor advised fund with shares of the stock. When the stock sold, the liquid assets could be used for grant making. It was important to this couple to involve their three young children from the very beginning of the transaction, to better understand the giving process.
To help engage the kids, OCF organized site visits to nonprofit organizations the children had experienced growing up. Their visit was enhanced by hands-on learning about how charitable dollars, for example, can help a zoo feed and care for animals. The parents engaged their children in dinner dialogues about these experiences, encouraging them to choose a nonprofit that would benefit from their generosity, and helping them understand why - thus enabling their own philanthropy and instill a lifetime pattern of giving.