Intergenerational Giving and Sharing
We work with multiple generations of families in all stages of giving, each experiencing unique situations and life milestones.
Mary and Jim wanted their entire family to participate in philanthropy and to create a unity of purpose for the family’s resources. All of their family members were in different life stages with different needs and interests – some married, some with children and one a single parent with an adopted child. OCF advisors worked with Mary and Jim to envision a time when they were no longer living – imagining different scenarios with their children making decisions about their estate.
As the scenarios and decision making unfolded, Mary and Jim quickly recognized the unique vision and giving style of each of their children, and created four separate but equally funded donor-advised funds. Each child could then create a family philanthropy program with their own family.
Once a year at a family holiday gathering each family is invited to share their fund giving and how they're involving grandchildren.
The family giving legacy continues, with the children now adding to their funds, while cousins and grandchildren are beginning to express an interest in charitable funds where they can experiment with working and giving together.