Assets we Accept
Accepting a Variety of Assets for Flexible Giving
Our staff works closely with you to review your philanthropic wishes and the types of assets you’d like to use to achieve your charitable goals. We have expertise in handling complex gift transactions, helping to transform assets into charitable resources.
Types of Assets
Common donations include currency, checks or money orders made payable to The Oregon Community Foundation. These contributions are eligible for a charitable deduction.
Stock and Real Estate
Gifts of appreciated securities or commercial or residential real estate often allow you to make a substantial contribution while receiving valuable income tax advantages. Generally, a donor may qualify for a charitable deduction based on the value of the gift, and the capital gain from the donated asset passes tax-free to OCF.
Creating a Legacy with an Estate Gift
You can create or add to your OCF fund through your will or living trust or name your fund as the beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy. You can also create a charitable trust or annuity which provides an income stream to you or someone designated by you for life, with the remainder creating or adding to your OCF fund. Learn more.
Assets from a Private Foundation or Other Donor Advised Funds
If you have a private foundation or other donor-advised fund and are concerned with succession planning or costs, you can transfer those assets to OCF to establish a donor-advised fund or supporting organization. A private foundation may retain its name and philanthropic goals with no tax or penalty on the transfer.
Using The IRA Charitable Rollover (QCD) To Support Your Community
Using The IRA Charitable Rollover (QCD) To Support Your Community
If you are 70 1/2 or older you can make a direct transfer from your IRA, known as a qualified charitable distribution, to OCF of up to $100,000 per year and avoid paying taxes on the distribution. If you are subject to required minimum distributions from your IRA, you can use your gift to satisfy all or part of that requirement. Since the gift will allow your required distribution to bypass your income, it can reduce your annual income level which may help lower your Medicare premiums and decrease the amount of social security subject to tax. While a gift to OCF made this way cannot be added to a donor-advised fund, you can create or add to a scholarship fund, a field of interest fund, a designated fund or you can support an existing OCF program. Please contact an OCF philanthropic advisor for details.
Other Assets
Additional gifts could include interests in business entities, virtual currency, life insurance policies, promissory notes, royalties and distribution rights, and stock options. Personal property and other assets may also be excellent contributions.