Grantee Reporting for Supporting Organizations

Supporting organizations help further the mission of The Oregon Community Foundation through a unique legal relationship. They have their own boards, grant making priorities and processes.

If you have inquiries about the Gray Family Foundation please contact or (503) 552-3500.

Robert J. and Leona DeArmond Foundation

The Robert J. and Leona DeArmond Foundation was established in 2010 by Robert J. and Leona DeArmond. A seven-member board of trustees governs the Foundation and awards grants for charitable purposes in Oregon. Grant applications are by invitation only.

If you received a request to complete a DeArmond Foundation Project Grant Evaluation Form, please use this form.

Grant reports are due upon request. All grantees receiving scholarship funds are asked to report by 10/1. If you received a Designed DeArmond grant, please follow this link to find more information on reporting.

If you have any questions about your grant or reporting requirements please contact:

Amy Reaney, Senior Donor Relations Officer Supporting Organizations and Trusts: or (503) 227-6846


To acknowledge the role of the Robert and Leona Foundation in supporting your organization, please reference it in your publications and promotional materials. You may thank the DeArmonds directly at the address listed below.

DeArmond Foundation
Double Dee LLC
PO Box 3517
Central Point, OR 97502

Sid and Karen DeBoer Foundation

The Sid and Karen DeBoer Foundation was established in 1997 by Sid DeBoer. A three-member board of directors governs the foundation and awards grants for charitable purposes in Jackson County. Grant applications are by invitation only.


Grant reports are due roughly nine months from the award date. Depending on the grant purpose you may need to complete the General Support Report form or the Project Report form.

All correspondence with respect to the grant should be made through OCF. If you have any questions about your grant or reporting requirements please contact:

Amy Reaney, Senior Donor Relations Officer Supporting Organizations and Trusts: or (503) 227-6846


To acknowledge the role of the Sid and Karen DeBoer Foundation in supporting your organization, please reference it in your publications and promotional material. You may thank the DeBoers directly at the address listed below.

Sid and Karen DeBoer
234 Vista St.
Ashland OR 97520

John and Ginger Niemeyer Foundation

The John and Ginger Niemeyer Foundation (Foundation) was established in 2017 by John and Ginger Niemeyer. A five-member board of trustees governs the Foundation and awards grants for charitable purposes in Oregon. The Foundation is administered by Oregon Community Foundation. All correspondence with respect to the grant should be made through OCF. Please reference the Foundation in your publications as the John and Ginger Niemeyer Foundation.

Peter and Julie Stott Foundation

The Foundation was established in 1998 by Peter W. and Julie N. Stott. A seven-member board of trustees governs the Foundation and awards grants for charitable purposes in the state of Oregon. The Foundation is administered by The Oregon Community Foundation (OCF). Grant applications are by invitation only.


Grant reports are due roughly nine months from the award date. Depending on the grant purpose you may need to complete the General Support Report form or the Project Report form.

All correspondence with respect to the grant should be made through OCF. If you have any questions about your grant or reporting requirements please contact:

Amy Reaney, Senior Donor Relations Officer Supporting Organizations and Trusts: or (503) 227-6846


To acknowledge the role of the Stott Foundation in supporting your organization, please reference it in your publications and promotional material. You may thank the Stott's directly at the address listed below.

Peter W. and Julie N. Stott
2896 SW Patton Road
Portland, OR 97201

OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation

Joseph E. Weston established the OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation in 1991. A nine-member board of trustees governs the foundation and awards grants for charitable purposes in the state of Oregon.

The Weston Foundation recently created a new grant application which you can find here. The application window will be open from July 1 through September 1 on an annual basis. Submitted applications will be reviewed in the fall and board decisions will be made in early December. Applications submitted outside of this window will not be considered for funding, unless
invited by board members or OCF staff.

Important Note: All applicants must read and review the newly designed OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation Grant Application Packet which can be found here. Please do not submit your application without reviewing the packet.

The Foundation does not require renewal application or funding request letters on a yearly basis


Grant reports are due upon request. Many grantees complete the General Report, but depending on the grant purpose you may be sent a more specific form. Grantees with reports due are emailed a report request. Reports are used to inform future funding decisions.

General Grant Report

Institutional Scholarship Grant Report - Grade School

Institutional Scholarship Grant Report - High School

Institutional Scholarship Grant Report - Community College

All correspondence with respect to the grant should be made through OCF. It is mandatory to include your grant number in any correspondence with the OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation and/or Oregon Community Foundation. If you have any questions about your grant or reporting requirements please contact:

Michael R. Oreste, Senior Program Officer, Donor Impact: or (503) 944-2100


To acknowledge the role of the OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation in supporting your organization, you may thank Mr. Joseph E. Weston directly, at the address listed below. Please reference the foundation in your publications as the OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation, using the full name.

Joseph E. Weston
1410 SW Morrison, Suite 300
Portland OR 97205

Wieden Family Public Foundation

The Wieden Family Public Foundation was established by Dan Wieden in 1999. A five-member board of trustees governs the foundation and awards grants for charitable purposes in the state of Oregon. The Wieden Family Public Foundation is administered by the Oregon Community Foundation (OCF). All correspondence with respect to the grant should be made through OCF. 

Grant Report Form