Better Nursing Home Care Fund

Improving care for nursing home residents in Oregon.


The Better Nursing Home Care Fund supports projects that focus on improving care for nursing home residents in Oregon


Applications are accepted only from nonprofits with tax-exempt status and public agencies that operate within Oregon. Projects may address issues or needs of both nonprofit and for-profit nursing homes. The fund is focused solely on benefitting residents of nursing homes and is not available for projects focused on assisted living facilities or other care facilities. Except as noted above, grants will not be made for equipment or capital projects, or to replace other funding where it is not demonstrated that OCF support will make a significant difference.


Projects with potential for replication are preferred as are projects with plans to share or disseminate results. There should also be a clear plan for sustaining proposed activities during and following the three-year grant period.

One or more of the following priorities should be addressed:

  • Implementing innovative methods for attracting and retaining qualified, competent and skilled staff, particularly Certified Nursing Assistants. This may involve improved interdisciplinary relationships on staff.
  • Adapting and implementing training, therapy, recreation, or other practices, or integrating new technology, tested as an effective way to improve nursing home care.
  • Establishing collaborative relationships among nursing homes, resident organizations, community organizations, advocacy groups, family support groups, and academic institutions to improve nursing home residents’ quality of life.
  • Adopting evidence-based best practices, especially in the care of older adults with dementia.

Outcomes sought:

Care of Residents

  • Increase resident autonomy and choice
  • Increase adequate nutrition and hydration
  • Improve continence and skin integrity
  • Increase functional independence and mobility
  • Avoid or reduce depression by increasing participation in activities meaningful to the resident
  • Avoid or decrease behavioral symptoms by identifying and responding to unmet needs

Issues Related to Staff

  • Avoid or decrease staff turnover and increase consistent assignment of staff to residents
  • Promote improvement by encouraging quick enforcement of regulations
  • Develop programs or activities that mentor, empower and offer recognition of staff

Application Process

  • Please download the Request for Proposals and the application below for more detailed information about this grant program, application process and required attachments.
  • Applications and required attachments must be submitted as a single PDF file by email to by December 2 at 5 p.m.
  • Please submit your completed application (including attachments) with the subject line: "BNHC Fund Application - Organization Name"

Application Forms

Grantee Reporting

  • Applicants receiving a grant from the Better Nursing Home Care Fund will be expected to report on the use of the funds 10 months following the award date. Reports are available here and should be sent to

Staff Assistance

If you have any questions, please contact: