Giving Strategies for Foundations, Families, Individuals and Companies

OCF offers expert philanthropic support to private and family foundations, individuals and companies —even if you don’t have an OCF fund. 

Through a fee-for-service model, OCF provides personalized guidance to help clarify your mission, define your goals, and create a strategy for impactful giving. Our deep expertise and tailored services empower generous Oregonians like you to achieve meaningful results. 

OCF is uniquely positioned to offer the following benefits:

  • Expert guidance
  • Deep engagement
  • Amplified impact

“Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) has been assisting our family for decades in philanthropy through various advised funds. OCF’s guidance in establishing the Austin Family Foundation was instrumental in helping us define and work towards our philanthropic objectives. Their partnership throughout the years has been vital to our success and we highly recommend their services for your philanthropic journey.”

Austin Family Foundation Board of Directors


  • Consultation: We begin with an initial exploratory meeting to discuss your goals and address common questions.
  • Initial Proposal: OCF presents a proposal outlining the goals articulated in the consultation, a recommended pathway toward progress, and fees. Proposals are tailored to fit each client’s unique needs and goals.
  • Collaborative Action: Families members, individuals or company representatives work collaboratively with OCF to accomplish established goals based on the plan in the proposal.
  • Meaningful Impact: With OCF’s help, families, individuals and companies build on their successes, supporting the causes they care about in a way that is meaningful and impactful.



We engage with individuals, families and companies to learn about their needs and goals and then we build a plan to support their work. Examples of how we provide support include:

  • Crafting Shared Values: Develop mission and vision statements that align family members and company representatives around core values and goals.
  • Identifying Giving Priorities: Research needs, opportunities, and gaps to pinpoint focus areas for maximum philanthropic impact.
  • Designing Grantmaking Programs: Build customized strategies, foster organizational relationships and target key impact areas.
  • Facilitating Meaningful Gatherings: Lead family or company meetings or retreats tailored to strategic planning and collaboration.

“Engaging multiple generations of a family in giving together is an excellent tool to help families foster growth in their younger family members. This helps support engagement in the family business while giving back to community. OCF’s partnership helps us build alignment in a family, supporting their philanthropy, which in turn can help connect family members to the business. OCF’s expertise guides us each step of the way in a partnership that’s based in trust and a family-centered approach.”

Mark Green, Ph.D.
family business advisor to the Hampton family

Engaging family members

Advisors can help develop a custom giving strategy, advise on family governance and help families align values with giving. Families may participate in OCF-led trainings, gatherings and retreats to articulate goals and guide grantmaking.

Empowering Families for Impactful Giving 

Partnering with OCF gives families access to expert knowledge, statewide resources and education to enhance their giving. We provide access to OCF’s in-house research team, offer strategies for evaluating grant requests, connect you with nonprofits and like-minded donors, and identify opportunities to maximize your philanthropic impact. 

“I think Family Giving at OCF is a marvelous resource for those multigenerational families facing issues not just of philanthropy, but also of intrafamily communication, cooperation and understanding.”

Mike Hollern
Family Advisor

Legacy Building and Strategic Giving

Before joining with OCF, Sarah called her giving style a “peanut butter” approach – spreading a little bit of support among a long list of favored nonprofits with annual modest gifts.

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Intergenerational Giving and Sharing

Mary and Jim wanted their entire family to participate in philanthropy. Their family members were all in different life stages with different needs and interests.

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A Multi-Generation Family

Charitable giving has been in the DNA for four generations of the Jones Family Foundation. They wanted to keep the giving legacy alive for future generations through intentionally structured vehicles.

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Private Family Foundation Dissolves into a Donor Advised Fund

A large family with a deep philanthropic tradition struggled to maintain the family foundation established by their parents. Exercises with OCF led them to build a large DAF to recognize the legacy of their parents.

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Family Shares a Teachable Moment in Giving

A young couple had invested in a tech startup and at the IPO they set up a donor-advised fund (DAF) with shares of the stock and involved their three young children from the very beginning.

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OCF will work with you on a customized scope of work that fits your budget and goals. 

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Curious to learn more about family giving? Download our Family Giving brochure.


Are you a current donor? Contact your Donor Relations Officer to get started.

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