American Music Project and Vernon School team at a rendezvous.
References & Resources
1. About Studio to School
- Worcel, S., Keyes, D., & Naegele, Z. (2017). How the arts advance student learning. Oregon Community Foundation. https://oregoncf.org/Templates/media/files/grants/studio_to_school/Benefits%20of%20Arts%20Education%209_2017vFinal.pdf
- Leonard, K., Flanagan, Z., & Cordle Kennedy, E. (2019). A snapshot of K-12 arts education in Oregon. Oregon Community Foundation. https://oregoncf.org/assets/PDFs-and-Docs/PDFs/oregon_arts_education_snapshot2019.pdf
- Evans, S., & Clarke, P. (2011, Winter). Disseminating orphan innovations. Stanford Social Innovation Review 9(1). https://ssir.org/articles/entry/disseminating_orphan_innovations
2. Projects
- Hetland, L., Hogan, J., et al. (n.d.). The framework. Studio Thinking. https://www.studiothinking.org/the-framework.html
3. Impacts
- Worcel, S., Keyes, D., & Naegele, Z. (2017). How the arts advance student learning. Oregon Community Foundation. https://oregoncf.org/Templates/media/files/grants/studio_to_school/Benefits%20of%20Arts%20Education%209_2017vFinal.pdf
- Loewenberg, D. (2017, August 17). New NAEP data: Deep rifts in access to arts education. Education Writers Association. https://www.ewa.org/blog-educated-reporter/new-naep-data-deep-rifts-access-arts-education
- Donovan, L., & Brown, M. (2017). Leveraging change: Increasing access to arts education in rural areas: A working paper. Grantmakers in the Arts. https://www.giarts.org/sites/default/files/leveraging-change-increasing-access-arts-education-rural-areas.pdf
- Americans for the Arts. (2017). Arts facts: Access to arts education is not equitable. https://www.americansforthearts.org/sites/default/files/ArtsEd_EquityUnderservedPops.pdf
- Verhoeven, M., Poorthuis, A.M.G., & Volman, M. (2019). The role of school in adolescents’ identity development: A literature review. Educational Psychology Review 31, 35–63. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-018-9457-3
- Walker, T. (2019, October 18). 'I didn't know it had a name': Secondary traumatic stress and educators. National Education Association. https://www.nea.org/advocating-for-change/new-from-nea/i-didnt-know-it-had-name-secondary-traumatic-stress-and
4. What We've Learned
5. Studio to School Principles
- Patton, M. Q. (2017). Principles-focused evaluation: The guide. Guilford Press.
- Siedel, S., Tishman, S., Winner, E., Hetland, L., & Palmer, P. (2009). The qualities of quality: Understanding excellence in arts education. Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education.
- Ruffenach, C., & Baars, M. (2017). Striving for high-quality arts education. Oregon Community Foundation.
- Project Zero. (2003). Eight habits of mind. Harvard Graduate School of Education. http://www.pz.harvard.edu/resources/eight-habits-of-mind
6. Moving Forward
- Evans, S., & Clarke, P. (2011, Winter). Disseminating orphan innovations. Stanford Social Innovation Review 9(1). https://ssir.org/articles/entry/disseminating_orphan_innovations
- Oregon Community Foundation. (n.d.) Opportunity gap. https://oregoncf.org/community-impact/opportunity-gap/
- Leonard, K., Flanagan, Z., & Cordle Kennedy, E. (2019). A snapshot of K-12 arts education in Oregon. Oregon Community Foundation. https://oregoncf.org/assets/PDFs-and-Docs/PDFs/oregon_arts_education_snapshot2019.pdf
- Oregon State Legislature. (2021, April 10). 81st Oregon Legislative Assembly: 2021 regular session: A-Engrossed House Bill 3363. https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB3363/A-Engrossed
- Worcel, S., Keyes, D., & Naegele, Z. (2017). How the arts advance student learning. Oregon Community Foundation. https://oregoncf.org/Templates/media/files/grants/studio_to_school/Benefits%20of%20Arts%20Education%209_2017vFinal.pdf
- Americans for the Arts. (2013). Arts education navigator: Facts & figures. https://www.americansforthearts.org/by-program/reports-and-data/legislation-policy/naappd/arts-education-navigator-facts-figures
- Whitaker, A. (2021, April 28). Arts education is a civil right inseparable from freedom. KCET. https://www.kcet.org/shows/artbound/arts-education-is-a-civil-right-inseparable-from-freedom
- Trust-Based Philanthropy Project. (n.d.) How can philanthropy redistribute power? https://www.trustbasedphilanthropy.org/
7. About the Evaluation
- Patton, M. Q. (2011). Developmental evaluation: Applying complexity concepts to enhance innovation and use. Guilford Press.
- Patton, M. Q. (2017). Principles-focused evaluation: The guide. Guilford Press.
- Patton, M. Q., McKegg, K., & Wehipeihana, N. (eds.). (2016).Developmental evaluation exemplars: Principles in practice.Guilford Press.
- Frey, B., Hendrickson Lohmeier, J., & Lee, S. (2006). Measuring collaboration among grant partners. American Journal of Evaluation27(3), 383-392. https://doi.org/10.1177/1098214006290356
- Oregon Community Foundation Research Department. (2016). Oregon arts education snapshot. Oregon Community Foundation. https://oregoncf.org/Templates/media/files/research/oregon_arts_education_snapshot.pdf
- Leonard, K., Flanagan, Z., & Cordle Kennedy, E. (2019). A snapshot of K-12 arts education in Oregon. Oregon Community Foundation. https://oregoncf.org/assets/PDFs-and-Docs/PDFs/oregon_arts_education_snapshot2019.pdf
- Ruffenach, C., & Baars, M. (2017). Striving for high-quality arts education. Oregon Community Foundation.
- Worcel, S., Keyes, D., & Naegele, Z. (2017). How the arts advance student learning. Oregon Community Foundation. https://oregoncf.org/Templates/media/files/grants/studio_to_school/Benefits%20of%20Arts%20Education%209_2017vFinal.pdf